Almost everyone knows that getting enough water to the body will be beneficial, all cells in our body need water to function properly. Eighty percent of your brain is made up of water, if you are looking for useful substances for your nervous system, water is the first and most important substance.


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In a valid study, a group of people of the same age and underlying disease underwent a specific cognitive test, but all of them were thirsty before they were tested, half of this number was given enough water to quench their thirst before the test began. But the other half of the thirsty people took the test. The results obtained in both groups showed that the group that was not thirsty performed better in their cognitive test than those who were thirsty.


What are the effects of hydration on the activity of our brain and nervous system?

Drinking enough water will cause:

There is a famous sentence that says:

The right diet can stave off memory loss

The first and most important food for our memory is water, which along with eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fatty fish such as sardines, nuts and virgin olive oil, it can reduce the risk of developing age-related memory problems and Alzheimer’s disease.


Does drinking water affect our memory?

If you are looking for a food that can improve your short-term memory, we must say that the food is nothing but water.

Drinking enough water can improve your short-term memory. It can even be said that a little water shortage can impair the intensity of your memory and attention.

Studies have shown that even drinking a small amount of water will have a positive effect on your concentration, cognition and memory. In studies conducted for other beverages and liquids such as tea, coffee, juices, alcohol, etc. nothing is defined,What matters is the role of drinking water in improving brain function and memory.

There is a subtle point in these studies, and the point is that these studies have only discussed the role of dehydration or insufficient hydration on memory, and have not addressed the effects of ambient temperature and temperature.

The effects of drinking water on improving cognitive function of the brain and memory are not limited to the elderly; even children in elementary schools perform better on tests than before, after drinking enough water.

Drinking water improves cerebral blood flow and by improving blood circulation, oxygen and glucose are easily supplied to brain cells. The activity of our brain cells depends on oxygen and glucose, and without these substances reaching our bloodstream, our brain’s memory and cognitive function will be impaired.

In addition, the proper circulation of sufficient amounts of blood around the brain cells will allow the waste products and toxins produced by the brain to be washed away faster and better, and as the toxins and waste products are removed, the cells in the brain’s memory will become sharper and happier.


How much water should we drink to improve our memory?

Healthy adults living in mild climates need certain amounts of drinking water daily:

Note that the amounts we mentioned only include drinking water and do not include other beverages.


Is drinking hot water effective in improving memory?

Drinking warm water (not hot water) can reduce the dysfunction of the nerves and the brain, and warm water also balances the activity of brain cells, including the memory.

The combination of these effects makes people’s memory and cognitive approaches improve by drinking hot water. Drinking water that is not cold makes it easier and faster for you to learn skills, language, and so on.

Drinking water, in addition to improving memory, will make you think better and respond faster to environmental factors, increase creative thinking, and increase the effectiveness of your performance.


How to keep yourself hydrated to have a better memory?