If you ask a number of anesthesiologists this question, you may find that it is best to leave six to twelve weeks between your surgeries (depending on your previous surgery).

Most general anesthetics are usually safe, but not for everyone.

In the following, our doctors will answer the question

How many times is it safe to go under anesthesia?


what you will read next :


General anesthesia should only be performed when local anesthesia is not possible or surgery is not possible without general anesthesia.

General anesthesia is generally safe and does not cause problems for the individual, but it should be noted that a group of people in the community, such as the elderly and people with underlying heart, liver, kidney and lung diseases, may not be able to tolerate severe and long-term general anesthesia.

According to credible statistics, only one person dies out of 250,000 under general anesthesia.

Side effects, especially with newer drugs, are greatly reduced and often no longer severely side effects of older drugs. Therefore, if you have necessary surgery, you do not need to postpone it for fear of anesthesia.

According to all scientific sources and credible studies, going under general anesthesia does not increase the death rate. General anesthesia does not reduce the years of your life.

The side effects of new anesthetics are much lower than those of older ones.


Studies on rats

General anesthesia with one and two tenths percent isoflurane or seventy percent nitrous oxide had no effect on shortening the lifespan of rats.

We said that only one case in two hundred and fifty thousand general anesthetists may not regain consciousness. According to a study, this rate increases at the age of over sixty and fifty years and reaches one person in ten thousand.

It is interesting to note that the oldest person who underwent surgery under general anesthesia and underwent anesthesia without complications was one hundred and three years old and underwent gallbladder resection.


Why do doctors recommend spacing surgeries?

The point that doctors and surgeons recommend is that it is best to have at least six to twelve weeks between surgery and anesthesia.

The reason for this recommendation is more because of the recovery of the body from the complications of surgery itself, not anesthesia

In surgeries during which a lot of blood is lost, the body needs to spend more time recovering and reproducing the volume of blood lost.

The greater the amount of blood lost during surgery, the greater the distance to the next surgery.

Another point is the changes of ions in the bloodstream or blood electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, chlorine, etc., surgery will certainly affect these values, so it is necessary to observe the necessary distance between surgeries.

The exceptions are surgeries after accidents and unpredictable events such as accidents, in which general anesthesia is vital to save a person’s life.


The final words:

In short, general anesthesia will be very safe and uncomplicated, especially with newer drugs.

If the person is elderly or has poor general health and many underlying diseases, approximately 0/01%  to 0/016% there is a chance of complications leading to death under anesthesia

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