If you also have small black dots on your feet, Understand that the term used to describe black or sunken bumps on the legs is strawberry legs.

In the following, after a brief explanation about strawberry legs, we will say that:

How to get rid of strawberry legs?


what you will read next :


Identify the causes of strawberry legs

There are thousands of cavities on the surface of the skin of your feet, these pores may be filled with dead skin cells, contaminants, and infectious agents such as bacteria.

These clogged pores are called open comedones. When the contents of this cavity oxidize in the presence of air, they become dark in color and cause black spots on the skin. Genetics and thick hair can cause these comedones.

When the hair on your legs is shaved with slow and old razor or you do not slip the place with soap you should also expect strawberry legs.

Razor burn is associated with strawberry legs as well as ingrowing hairs and folliculitis.

Ingrowing hairs can also cause strawberry legs.

Sometimes, due to constant and long-term shaving and irritation, the skin around the hair follicles darkens and creates a strawberry appearance.

Bacteria, fungi and yeasts can cause infection and inflammation of the hair follicles.

Folliculites are small bumps or blisters which are also caused by scabies or subcutaneous hair.

It usually occurs on the thighs and upper arm, and the red bumps are very small and prominent, which are placed next to each other and create a chicken-skin-like appearance, and when touched, the hard bumps are felt under the hands.

Inside the bumps are creatine and dead skin cells. Itching and dryness are common manifestations that get better with moisturizer.

Swimming in pool water and exposure to chemicals in pool water will predispose you to chicken skin.

Sometimes this complication is seasonal and usually forms in the cold months of the year and disappears in the summer.


What are the symptoms of strawberry legs?

Keep in mind that increased itching, irritation, and inflammation may indicate an underlying cause.

In these cases, it is better to be examined by a doctor to rule out infections, etc.


How is strawberry leg treated?

How to get rid of strawberry legs?

  1. Home remedies
  2. Specialized treatments


  1. Home remedies:

Exfoliating compounds containing salicylic acid and glycolic acid are supplied as OTC and are suitable for foot exfoliation.

  1. Specialized treatments:

Your doctor will use the following techniques to treat strawberry feet if necessary:

Low electric current enters the place of dark bumps and destroys follicles.

This method is also very effective for treating ingrown hairs.

Laser leg hair therapy can be very effective for strawberry legs, it eliminates folliculitis, usually six to eight sessions of treatment are needed.

If fungal infections are the cause of strawberry feet, it means that fungi and yeasts have caused inflammation of the follicles and if there is fungal folliculitis, the use of anti-fungal shampoos, topical anti-fungal creams or oral antifungal drugs is necessary, which must be at the diagnosis and prescription of a doctor.

Antibiotics will sometimes be needed for bacterial folliculitis.


What is the best way to get rid of strawberry leg?

The best way to get rid of strawberry legs is to prevent it, that is, by following the simple tips below, you can get rid of strawberry legs.