What distinguishes the four major blood groups around the world is the presence or absence of specific proteins on red blood cells called antigen A and antigen B.

We will know the characteristics of blood groups together.

Can blood type justify certain characters in people?

Will the owners of same blood groups have the same characteristics and specifications?

What characteristics are common in the main blood groups?

In the following, we will talk more about Blood groups and their characteristics


what you will read next :


How were blood types formed?

Many years ago, an Austrian professor named Karl Landsteiner had valuable studies and research to which medical knowledge is owed to him today.

The discovery of blood groups and the provision of knowledge of blood transfusion from a healthy person to a sick person, awarded him the Nobel Prize and the title (Father of Blood Transfusion).

The daily salvation of millions of lives around the world is due to the knowledge that this scientist gave to human society by recognizing the main blood groups.

We have said that what distinguishes the four main blood groups is the presence or absence of certain proteins that are located on a person’s red blood cells.

Doctors call a substance an antigen that can stimulate the body to make a reaction protein called an antibody.

Today, about ten types of antigens are known that may or may not be present on human red blood cells. The most important and main of these genes are:

Antigen A

Antigen B

The human body, if there is antigen A on red blood cells, makes antibody B

And if the B antigen is present on the red blood cells, it makes antibody A.

If the antigen A is on red blood cells, the name A is added to the name of the person’s blood type.

If the B antigen is on red blood cells, the name B is added to the person’s blood type.

If the red blood cell contains both antigen A and antigen B, the person’s blood type is called AB.

If there is neither antigen A nor antigen B on red blood cells, the person’s blood type is called O blood type.


Specifications of the main blood groups

Blood type A:

Contains antigen A on Rich

Contains B antibody in blood serum


Blood type B:

Contains B antigen on RBC.

Contains antibody A in blood serum


Blood group AB:

Contains A and B antigens on RBC

No antibodies A or B in blood serum


Blood group O:

No A or B antigens

Contains both A and B antibodies in blood serum.

Note: The part of the blood that the blood cells have deposited is called blood serum.

If the antigen and the antibody of the same name are in close proximity to each other, a dangerous reaction occurs, which is the reaction that occurs when a blood transfusion is inappropriate and incompatible with a person.

This means that blood type B cannot be injected into a person with blood type A because the antibodies of blood type B will react dangerously with the antigens of blood type A RBCs.

You can make such an interpretation of injections of other blood groups into each other yourself.


But what is the reason for positive and negative blood types?

In 1995, Professor Landsteiner, who discovered four major blood groups, and his student discovered that another type of antigen, called Rh, may or may not be present on human red blood cells.

If the RH antigen is present on a person’s RCB, his or her primary blood type is positive.

In the RH antigen is absent on a person’s RCB, his or her primary blood type will be negatively titled.

A negative compatible blood type can be injected into a positive blood type, but the reverse is not possible here.

There are also rare blood groups such as Duffy, Bombay, etc.

The test that is done to determine the compatibility of blood groups is called a cross-match test.

In a cross-match test, a donor serum antibody is poured onto the recipient’s red blood cells. If this antigen and antibody are the same, a destructive reaction occurs during which the recipient RBC breaks down.


Blood types and personality traits

The oldest blood type

The most common blood type

O blood type is a public donor, but it can only receive blood from its namesake.

They have a proper and strong immune system that makes them more prone to autoimmune diseases.

The risk of developing allergies in these people is high.

The gastrointestinal tract of these people is not easily adapted to food groups and is only adapted to the digestion and consumption of proteins, so the incidence of cardiovascular events in these people is high.


Better compatible with plant foods

More susceptibility to stomach and intestinal cancers


Good compatibility with any weather

Has a strong immune, nervous and physical system

At risk of autoimmune disorders

High susceptibility to bacterial infections such as Streptococcus and Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Highly compatible with dairy and seafood


It is the less common group among the four main blood groups.

Very compatible with the modern world

Susceptible to allergies, Bacterial infections

They do not tolerate seafood and peppers well.

Of course, the existence of each of the characteristics mentioned above in individuals is not mandatory and definite.