Fear of getting cancer is one of the stressors that sometimes makes people repeatedly ask the health care system for blood tests. Doctors often hear the question from people that:

If my blood tests are normal can i have cancer?

Our medical team will answer this question later in this article.

A normal blood test and a normal CBC cannot rule out a person with cancer.

Sometimes a simple blood test, even a normal CBC (which measures the number of different types of blood cells) along with your symptoms and clinical examination will guide your doctor to request further tests for a correct diagnosis.

It is important to know that many types of cancer are associated with a normal blood test, and it is interesting to note that there are many non-cancerous conditions and problems that are associated with a completely abnormal blood test.

So do not think of blood tests as a means of finding out about cancer.


what you will read next :


At present, it is not possible to detect and diagnose the following cancers through blood tests:


What cancers can cause some changes in the blood test?

The following cancers can cause some changes in the blood test:

A type of blood cancer that is associated with an increase in beta 2 microglobulin in the blood. The amount of this substance can also increase in urine and spinal fluid.

It is a type of chronic leukemia (blood cancer) accompanied by an increase in blood levels (sometimes urinary levels) of beta 2 microglobulin and Some lymphomas that increase blood (and urine) levels of beta 2 microglobulin

With increasing blood levels

Are accompanied.

There is an increase in the blood level of beta HCG.

A malignant tumor in women that is associated with increased blood levels of beta HCG.


Types of famous tumor markers

A variety of compounds may increase in the blood following cancer of various organs. These substances are called tumor markers. Some well-known tumor markers include:

This tumor marker can rise in the blood following colorectal, pancreatic, ovarian, lung, and breast cancers.

In a variety of ovarian cancers, the level of this tumor marker in the blood may rise.

This tumor marker is the only specific blood test for breast cancer that is used to detect and diagnose tumors and follow up as well as to detect the spread of tumors to other organs of the body.

The level of this tumor marker may be elevated in testicular germ cell tumors in men and ovarian germ cell tumors in non-pregnant women.

A variety of non-cancerous prostate disorders as well as prostate adenocarcinoma are associated with increased blood levels of this tumor marker. Many cancers, especially in their early stages, will have normal blood test.


Cancer Warning Signs

Therefore, instead of referring to blood tests, it is better to know the warning signs of cancers: