In this article, we have collected everything you need to know about low back pain during pregnancy and we have written in simple language.


what you will read next :

sciatic nerve pain pregnancy can't walk

If you are pregnant and have back pain or sciatica has disabled you, read our article.

Doctors say more than 75 percent of pregnant women will experience back pain.

Back pain in pregnancy increase as the pregnancy continues and the number of weeks of pregnancy increases.

Sometimes back pain after childbirth lasts for several months.

Two types of back pain are common in pregnancy, meaning that pregnant women are more likely to experience two types of back pain during pregnancy.

Sometimes you may experience a combination of two types of back pain.


Why do we get back pain during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, changes occur in a pregnant woman’s body that prepare her to carry the fetus for nine months. One of the changes is an increase in progesterone.

Progesterone keeps the uterus relaxed and prevents uterine contractions so that the fetus can grow inside the uterus and not be expelled.

Progesterone also relaxes the ligaments and other muscles of the mother’s body.

The pelvic floor muscles relax.

Body ligaments, including the supporting ligaments of the spine, also relax.

The same changes cause back pain in pregnancy, Joint pain is also more common during pregnancy.


Pregnancy sciatica

Sciatica is a slang term for lumbosacral radicular syndrome.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the human body. The delicate roots of the spinal nerve that protrude from the lower vertebrae of the spine join together on each side of the spine to form the thick trunk of the sciatic nerve at the lower back of our body. The sciatic nerve travels from the lower back to the buttocks and back of the thighs, providing the sensation and movement of these parts, it also branches off at the back of the knee, and these branches will extend to the back of the heel and underfoot and under the toes.

Any pressure on any part of the sciatica along its path can cause shooting downward pain along with numbness and burning and decreased muscle strength.

Sciatica in pregnancy is a throbbing pain that originates from the lower back and shoots up to the back of the leg on the same side.

Sciatica can be limited to the lower back only, or can sometimes cause pain in the back of the thighs and legs without back pain.

Sciatica during pregnancy can turn into a deep, dull ache that intensifies when standing, sitting, or sleeping. This pain can sometimes become so severe that it interferes with daily activities.


Symptoms of sciatica in pregnancy

Persistent, severe, and debilitating pain should be reported to your doctor.


Causes of sciatica in pregnancy

We said that any factor that can put pressure on the path of sciatic nerve from the roots of the spinal cord to the tips of the toes on the trunk and sciatic branches causes shooting pain that goes downhill.


Stress factors during pregnancy include:

Maternal overweight

Fetal growth and increase in uterine size and uterine pressure

Fetal head pressure

Abdominal distention and increased lumbar arch or lordosis

Edema and fluid retention in pregnancy

These factors can cause pressure to the sciatica.

Sciatica is usually associated with the last months of pregnancy.

You need to know that contrary to popular belief, Common back and lower back pain in pregnancy has nothing to do with sciatica.

Pain of sciatic nerve is not a common phenomenon in pregnancy, and if a pregnant woman goes to the doctor with a pattern of sciatica, a ruptured disc between the lumbar vertebrae must be ruled out first.


Overweight and increased pressure on the intervertebral discs during pregnancy puts a young woman at risk for a protruding disc or herniated disc and in some cases a ruptured disc.

So, if you are pregnant and you have sciatica that prevents you from walking, be sure to see a doctor for a check-up, and back pain should not always be considered as a normal pregnancy process.



To reduce sciatica in pregnancy, which is more common in late pregnancy, it is recommended that:


In addition to the above methods:


What should be considered when severe sciatica during pregnancy?

If you have severe sciatica and are pregnant, read the following:


So the best treatment and solution is to prevent sciatica.

By strengthening and creating balance between the above muscles, the possibility of severe sciatica pain will be reduced.

This way you have a more comfortable pregnancy and you will be less bothered.

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